SVETI NIKOLA LTD owns this website. According to the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation 2016/679 of the EU on the protection of personal data, SVETI NIKOLA LTD is the administrator of personal data. We collect, store and use the same from your registrations on the site. By virtue of the same above acts, you, as a natural person, are the subject of personal data, and we are the controller of your personal data that we process.
Administrator contact details you may use:
registered office and contact address, Sandanski, 1 Makedonia St
contact phone +359 746 33035;
Our data protection officer can be contacted by email:
When registering on the site or by phone, when participating in games organized by us, or when asking questions, we may receive from you or ask you to provide us with certain information about yourself.
This information may include:
We use the information about your personal data so that we can provide you with quality services.
When we process your personal data for the purposes of delivering your prizes from the games, to ensure the security of our sites, as well as to fulfill our statutory obligations, this processing is mandatory for the fulfillment of these purposes. Without this data, we would not be able to provide the relevant services. For example, if you do not provide us with your names and address, we would not be able to make a home delivery of your prizes. If we collect your data for other purposes, we will necessarily request your additional consent.
Legal grounds for collection and processing:
Purposes for which we use your personal data:
We will periodically update the above example list in response to the development of our business and changing legal requirements. We will notify you in the event that we would like or need to use your personal data for purposes and in a manner significantly different from what we have informed you about and, if necessary, we will seek your consent.
In carrying out our activity, we may need to share your personal data with:
Also, please note that our web pages may contain links to other such pages that are not owned and operated by us. We cannot control and are not responsible for the personal data processing practices or the content of these other pages. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the privacy policies and information of any website that collects personal data. This Policy applies only to the personal information that SVETI NIKOLA LTD collects about you through its web pages or otherwise.
In all cases, we enter into written contracts with the companies we work with, requiring them to take the necessary measures to ensure the protection of your personal information. We will transfer to these our contractors only the information they need to provide us with the agreed services, without allowing them to use your information for their own purposes. We will not provide your personal data to third parties to send you unsolicited marketing messages, unless you have given the necessary consent for this. If you receive unsolicited commercial messages from the companies we work with, please let us know via the contact form on the site.
We may transfer and store your personal data in other member states of the European Economic Area. On the territory of these countries, an adequate level of personal data protection is ensured, according to the standards of the Regulation.
We have an internal policy that determines how long we keep your personal data. It is based primarily on the type of information we collect and the purposes for which we collect it. In principle, we store your personal data for as long as necessary for the processing purposes for which the data were collected and for any other permissible and related purpose or until the expiration of a legally defined period (for example for the storage and processing of accounting data and for tax control – 6 years). It is our legitimate interest to retain certain of your personal information until the expiry of the limitation period for making claims (5 years). We will not delete or anonymize your personal data if it is necessary for pending judicial or administrative proceedings or proceedings for consideration of your complaint before us.
SVETI NIKOLA LTD uses physical, electronic and organizational measures, appropriate in view of the sensitivity of the information we maintain, to protect the personal data you provide to us from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. For example, we encrypt communications using SSL, encrypt information at storage, have firewalls, access control tools, segregation of duties, and more. All server-client connections are made only through an encrypted connection using the https protocol. More information about the SSL certificate can be obtained at any time by clicking on the URL field of your web browser. We have adopted policies and procedures and appointed a Data Protection Officer. We require our suppliers and partners who have access to your personal data to use appropriate measures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of your personal data. However, you are also responsible for safeguarding your password and username with which you access our websites. Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet or by telephone may not be completely secure, despite the measures we take. Therefore, please note that the transmission of your personal information via the Internet or by telephone is done at your own risk.
In relation to your personal data, you have certain rights vis-à-vis us which are granted to you by the Regulation and other applicable legislation. Sometimes certain rights may arise and be exercised only on certain grounds for processing your personal data; Your other rights are subject to certain limitations and exclusions by law. If you do not understand how we process your personal data or have any questions, please contact our Data Protection Officer whose contact details are listed at the end of this Notice in the How to Contact Us section.
You have the following rights:
Where the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before it is withdrawn.
You have the right to request:
If you wish, we will provide you with access to the personal data that is being processed, in the form of a copy of it. The copy will be free for you. For additional copies, we may charge you a reasonable fee to cover our administrative costs of making them. If you submitted the request by electronic means, we will, where possible, provide you with the information in a widely used electronic form, unless you have asked us otherwise.
We perform automated decision-making for our customers as a result of automated processing of their personal data.
If we do not process your personal data, we will notify you. If we refuse your request for a copy of the data, we will let you know our reasons for doing so.
The exercise of your right of access should not adversely affect the rights or freedoms of others, including trade secrets or intellectual property, and in particular copyright protection of software. In case we consider that there is a reason to expect such a negative impact, we can limit some of the information we will provide to you so that it does not occur.
You have the right to:
If you have objected to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest or the legitimate interest of a third party (or profiling, if we start to do so and which we will notify you of), we may continue processing despite your objection if we can prove that there are legal grounds for the processing that take precedence over your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
In the event that data relating to you is used for the purposes of direct marketing, you have the right to object free of charge and at any time to its processing for this type of marketing (which could also include profiling, insofar as it is related to direct marketing) and we will stop processing them.
If you do not wish to receive information and offers from us regarding our products, please notify us in writing at or at the address listed above, stating your name and address/or email address. Alternatively, you can opt out of receiving unsolicited commercial communications by clicking the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email.
In the event that we process incomplete or wrong/wrong data, you have the right, at any time, to request:
We rely on the accuracy of your personal information that you provide to us. If this information changes, please notify us of your updated personal details on the contact form on the site.
You may request that your personal data be deleted if:
We may refuse to delete your data if we need it in connection with a legal claim, to comply with our legal obligations, as well as in other cases provided for in the Regulation.
You can request restriction of the processing of your personal data if:
Where the processing of your personal data has been restricted, we may still continue processing with your express consent either to establish, exercise or defend legal claims or to protect the rights of another natural person or for important grounds of public interest for the European Union or its member state.
You can request that we provide your personal data, in an organized, orderly, structured, generally accepted electronic format, only when the following two conditions are met:
You should be aware that when you exercise the right to portability, this does not result in your data being deleted from our systems. You will be able to continue using our services even after the data portability operation. Data portability also does not affect the initial retention period that applies to transmitted data. You can exercise your remaining rights which are set out in the legislation and which we have listed here, while we continue to process the data.
If you believe that we are in violation of applicable law, please contact us for clarification. Of course, you also have the right to immediately file a complaint with a supervisory authority in the European Union where you live, work, or where the alleged violation of your rights took place. The supervisory authority for the protection of personal data in Bulgaria is the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, with address 2 Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd., Sofia, p. code 1592. You can also seek protection of your rights in court.
How to claim your rights, in order to exercise your rights according to the Regulation, you can write to us through the contact form on the site or send us your inquiry by mail or bring it to us at the following address: Sandanski, 1 Makedonia str.
Applications in connection with the exercise of your rights are generally submitted in person or by a person expressly authorized by you. An application can also be submitted electronically, in accordance with the Law on Electronic Documents and Electronic Signatures.
In what form will we answer you? In the form in which you sent your inquiry to us - in writing on paper or in electronic form. Where you have submitted a request by electronic means, where possible, the information will be provided to you in a widely used electronic form, unless you have requested otherwise.
How soon will you receive a response? Within one month of receiving your request, we will provide you with information about the actions we have taken on it. If necessary, this period can be extended by another two months, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. If such an extension is necessary, we will notify you within one month of submitting your request, explaining the reasons for this extension.
Doubts about your identity. Where we have reasonable concerns regarding the identity of the natural person making the request to us, we may request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the data subject. If we do not receive such information and are unable to identify the data subject, we may decline to act on a request made to us to exercise any of the rights set forth in this Notice.
Protecting children's privacy is essential. We do not collect personal data of children under the age of 14 and strictly comply with the requirements of the law. If you are under the specified age, you are only allowed access to web pages with the consent of your parents or guardians.
We urge parents to regularly monitor and control their children's Internet activity. If you are a parent and have concerns about the collection or use of personal information about your child, please contact us at the above addresses.
You will be notified of material changes to this document on our web page and, where possible, by other appropriate means, so that you are always informed of changes to what personal data we collect about you, how we use it and under what circumstances we share it with others persons. You may be asked to read and accept these changes before continuing to access our websites. If we would like to use your personal information for a significantly different purpose and manner than what we have told you, we will also send you a notice at the email address you have provided. So you will have a choice as to whether or not you accept the changes in the use of your personal information.